Friday, February 21, 2025

Classical Music Theory

Instructions: Sign (k) = Komal Swar, (t) = Teevra Swar, Small Alphabets = Lower Octave, Capital Alphabets = Higher Octave. See Harmonium Theory Click Here Key Name details with diagram.

In this article we simply see the list of best subjects which are very important when you learn Indian Classical Music. If you want to learn Music properly, you have to clear your Theory part of Music. So here are some basics Theories about Indian Classical Music. All information also given in Hindi also, so you can easily understand. Through LIVE SKYPE Sessions (Paid) you can learn music online from us. For fee structure and more info  please Whatsapp us on : +91-88710-51523.

भारतीय शास्त्रीय संगीत सीखने के लिए जो थ्योरी / लेख ज़रूरी हैं वह आपको सरगम बुक के इस सेक्शन में देखने और पढ़ने को मिलेंगे हमारा उद्देश्य है की हम सरगम बुक वेबसाईट के माध्यम से भारतीय शास्त्रीय संगीत की खूबसूरती व इसका ज्ञान आप सभी तक पहुंचा सकें SKYPE Sessions (Paid) के ज़रिए आप हमसे घर बैठे संगीत सीख सकते हैं अधिक जानकारी के लिए हमें Whatsapp करें : +91-88710-51523.

  1. संगीत की परिभाषा | Music Definition In Hindi
  2. स्वर की परिभाषा | Definition of Swar in Hindi
  3. भारतीय संगीत की उत्पत्ति | Indian Classical Music Origin
  4. संगीत वाद्य तानपुरे का परिचय | Introduction Of Instrument Tanpura
  5. भारतीय शास्त्रीय संगीत की धरोहर | Indian Classical Music Theory In Hindi
  6. संगीत प्रचार का आधुनिक काल | Music In Modern Era
  7. अलंकार अध्याय 1 | Alankar Part 1
  8. अलंकार अध्याय 2 | Alankar Part 2
  9. अलंकार अध्याय 3 | Alankar Part 3
  10. अलंकार अध्याय 4 | Alankar Part 4
  11. Harmonium Basics

These are demo notes for respective song. You can try it on your instrument. If it works for you and you are comfortable to play along with our notes, you can simply get full notes by paying us. Just click the Buy Now button below and see our packages.


Sargam Book Managed By Team Piano Daddy. Classical Music Notations For Indian Classical Singers, Harmonium Players, Flute Players, Sitar Players. We have the best collection of Sa Re Ga Ma Notations for all age groups. Online Classes Available For Vocals / Harmonium / Keyboard By Sanchit Telang. Whatsapp Us For More Info : +91-88710-51523.